Monday, July 30, 2007

A new page...

Ok, I'm just getting started into this online blogging... I think its pretty cool! I always thought about being a writer. Except for the fact that I'm horrible with grammer, and I think that my stories would bore most people. So going back to what I was saying, I think this blog stuff is pretty awesome!

I can write about what God is doing in my life, and then let others read it. Then maybe, someone else can be encouraged by what I went through and shared and they can also be encouraged by it! That's pretty awesome!

Lets start by saying that my daughter is sleeping and its a lovely sight. She feel asleep around 8 and I knew that could be a bad combination, so I went and got her and tried to feed her and then played with her. I know you should not wake a sleeping baby, but this time I had to!

Randy is talking to our pastor hoping to get a few days to head to PA for a few days to work on my parents kitchen. It would be great if we could go, but I"m not getting excited.... I know that we may have to wait a little longer. And that is ok. I'm going out there in a few weeks for a whole week, so this would be a bonus week.

Alright, I'm going to check out this blog spot.... talk to y'all later!